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Blue Stream Aquaculture LLC

Profile Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021
About Us
Our eight-acre farm, located in historic West Barnstable on Cape Cod, is one of the oldest continually run trout hatcheries in Massachusetts. Rainbow, brook, brown and tiger trout are spawned and raised year-round. Pristine water from our artesian free flowing wells flows in at 700 to 800 gallons per minute through both natural and man-made ponds, raceways, and our hatch house. We are able to reuse this water multiple times, we remove waste both naturally, with a healthy micro-organism population, and mechanically to ensure low environmental impact. We recently upgraded to using solar power for the majority of our energy needs, furthering our mission to grow our fish as sustainably as possible. Fish are raised in low density sand bottom raceways and tanks and are fed food formulated for each life stage to give them all the vital nutrition they need to thrive. Through consistent monitoring and daily observation, there is no need for medication, hormones or antibiotics. Seed stock for the farm is produced on the farm, with a well-designed spawning program to ensure plenty of hatchlings each year to supply our customers' needs and other farms interested in growing trout. By starting with our own fish, we minimize risk and ensure healthy, vibrant fish as a farm to table product or for stocking your pond.
Business Information
Business Types
Seafood & Aquaculture
Delivery to Ponds (Live Fish)
Shipping Available
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