4904 E. Fairview Rd
Stockbridge, GA 30281
7709570592 4045696184
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Lightning R & B Ranch

Profile Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021
About Us
Our grass fed beef program has been operating successfully since 2002. We ( which is Jim Toney, his son Chase Toney and myself a friend of their family Dee Abbott ) raise our own beef together and process our beef thru Capes Sausage Co. which is owned by Jim Toney. This allows us to know the beef thru every stage from birth to processing to the table. We are state inspected. We sell by the individual pieces just like the grocery stores or you can buy a side or whole beef. Ground beef in 1 pound packs is $5.79 each. A side or whole beef is $4.29 per pound hanging weight. After hours phone number is 404-569-6184
Business Information
Business Types
Farm / Ranch
Meat, Poultry & Game
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