1260 Washington Street
Uniontown, AL 36786
(334) 628-3474
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Alabama Catfish LLC

Profile Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021
About Us

There’s not enough tarter sauce in the world to cover up the taste of inferior catfish. That’s why, in 1991, five west Alabama farmers set out to create a company that raises and distributes the finest quality U.S. farm-raised catfish on the market, in a cost efficient, environmentally responsible manner. The idea was simple: the more care we put into our fish, the more taste you get out of it.

This commitment to healthier, sustainable farm-to-fork practices helped us become one of the nation’s primary farmer’s, harvesters, processors and distributors of American catfish. By 2008, we had earned first U.S. catfish processor to be Best Aquaculture Certified (BAP) by the Global Aquaculture Alliance.

Today, we have over 250 dedicated, trained personnel in Uniontown, Alabama producing over 750,000 pounds of catfish weekly. This hands-on approach allows us to get the fish out of the pond and restaurant ready in less than 50 minutes. And you can taste the difference.

Business Information
Year Established: 1991
Federal Meat Plant Number: M51210
Business Types
Meat & Game Processor
Livestock / Meat - Processing
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